Indie Video Games I Can’t Forget

Arise: A Simple Story
by @Piccolo_Studio and UntoldTalesHQ

A narration-less story told in beautiful landscapes. Themes of grief, love, and perseverance make this small game mighty.

Sayonara Wild Hearts
by AnnaPurna Interactive and @Simogo

A playable pop album! Coming back after a heartbreak! Kissing dragons! Story narration by Queen Latifah! This game is amazing and it deserved more awards the year it was released.

Where the Water Tastes Like Wine
by @SerenityForge and Good Shepherd Entertainment

If collecting stories interests you, then this game is for you. Because that’s what you do, you travel around America collecting stories as a cursed skeleton. Writing is superb, art is beautiful, and I return to the soundtrack often.

The Artful Escape
by AnnaPurna Interactive and Beethoven and Dinosaur

Looks good. Felt good. Sounded good. All the senses were satisfied.

A Musical Story
by Glee-Cheese Studio and Digerati

Cool rhythm game idea. Story was good, art was great – not safe for all audiences. Heavy references to drugs, sex, and violence.

Across The Grooves
by Nova-box

It’s nostalgic in a way that feels like the first time you listened to an album at the right place and the right time. Also, there was a joke about Sleater Kenny that got me real good.

Wide Ocean Big Jacket
by TenderClaws and Turnfollow

If you have two hours to spare, you can complete this game. It’s like camping for the gamer’s soul. An aunt & uncle take their niece & boyfriend into the woods for the weekend. It’s soothing, just a hint of pranking, and bird-watching!

by WhiteHornGames.

Very cute, quick game with Wario like mini games. Ends in a tea party with friends.

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